Here's the picture I made old. I made it grey scale first then added a blur and noise to take away the sharpness of the digital image.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Monday, 17 September 2007
So we've moved onto Photoshop now and we've been working through some exercises to get us used to it's way of working. So far these pictures have been either cropped, rotated or turned to grayscale and all have been resized. There will be more to follow soon.
and here's my final picture. it has a balloon.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Logo Project
We are now doing group projects where we create logos etc for a group of fellow classmates. The group we're working with decided to start an event management company called Complete Event Management. I created these to begin with, i took a picture that was originally white and red and shaded them to give a dark effect, with the logo standing out in the emerald green.
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