Friday, 5 October 2007


I can't really explain why but the lack of proper social interaction in the world today upsets me. But then again so does this computer. And the X-Factor.

hmmm... lunch would be good right now.


Duncan said...

I laugh when the tv bosses complain that people are switching off their tvs. And then subject the country to another round of mundane, mediocre, cheap programming.

As to social interaction - don't get me started. Seriously, don't get me started!

I started reading these daily readings a few years back, and they seem to have their heads screwed on. Ignoring the 'belief' stuff, they cross religious boundaries. E.g. just cos ur angry, doesn't mean I have to get angry too. People do wrong, people behave like pratts - you don't have to. If you do, it is your fault/choice, not there's. Nice calming stuff to think on.

Sian798 said...

A very interesting site, thanks!